Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What a privilege

F'naaaaaaaa, we're so busy. Okay, I'm gonna type fast:

Monday, Tuesday, and today are all taken up by one word: MOVING. Which is awesome. I'm not sure I talked about it yet, but the apartment we were living in here in Ancona is a tiny, old thing tucked into a corner riddled with filth and cockroaches. Anziano H the clean-freak of the apartment (who I love), did a good job at making the place at least halfway livable for the time we've been there, but now we're moving, and we've been moving for two days already. There's a lot to do.

We're going to a brand new apartment. The mission bought all of the furniture from IKEA and we've been putting it together/moving things from one apartment to the other/de-cockroaching everything and cleaning and mounting stuff and... I dunno, we've been super busy. And it's actually been really fun to just put on normal clothes and get to work. My fingers all hurt, and we're all exhausted, but it feels great, and today we'll finally finishing moving, leave the old house behind, and sleep in the new house! Tomorrow morning I'll finally get to use a shower with constant hot water that isn't shattered in several places and held together with electrical tape!

Anyway... other than moving, we had a lot of good things happen this week. C, the 18 year old investigator from Ghana who knew nothing about God before he started meeting with the missionaries, got baptized on Saturday. It was a beautiful service that the District President attended. C beore such a strong, simple testimony after the sacred ordinance. I was so happy, and so was he. He'll continue to grow and be a strong member, wherever he goes in the world.

We also got two new investigators from a Phillipino family here. Their cousins have come from the Phillipines and are living with them. The ten year old girl came to church one Sunday and watched the video of the Restoration. She asked the member's sixteen year old daughter, "Did that really happen?" Did Jospeh Smith really see God and Jesus Christ?

The member's daughter smiled and said, "Yes. It really did." And now we get to go over to their house to teach them about prayer, the Plan of Salvation, the Book of Mormon, and the life and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. The brother and sister are 8 and 10, respectively, and I'm having so much fun teaching them. We play games and sing songs and we're going to start using the illustrated Book of Mormon that my mom used to teach me when I was little kid. I'm so excited, I love kids! Especially these two. I've never felt such pure, happy love for anyone on my mission. I think God is letting them feel His love through me. What a privilege.

I love all of you, too! I'll let you know how the rest of the move goes next week.

Wait, didn't we go to Padova this week? And our apartment lost electricity for two days because of some confusion in the Milan office? Yeesh... so many memories made, and so many lost. I guess that's life.

Anziano Burton

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